Bearing and distance calculation methods

This page shows how the destination point is calculated in the Bearing and Distance Calculator given a starting point, bearing and distance.

A method is given for calculating the destination point for ellipsoid earth models using Vincenty's formula, and a second method is given to calculate the destination point for a spherical earth model. For both methods:

Ellipsoid earth models

Note: the variable 'flat' below represents the earth's polar flattening used in various ellipsoid models. For the commonly used WGS-84, let flat = 298.257223563.

  1. Given the distance s in meters, the semi-major axis 'a' in meters, the semi-minor axis 'b' in meters and the polar flattening 'flat'.
  2. Calculate the destination point useing Vincenty's formula. Shortened variable names are used.
    f = 1/flat
    s2=atan2(tu1, cb)
    sa = cu1*sb
    us=csa*(a*a - b*b)/(b*b)
    B = us/1024*(256+us*(-128+us*(74-47*us)))
    s1p = 2*PI
  3. Loop through the following while condition is true.
    while (abs(s1-s1p) > 1e-12)
    ds1=B*ss1*(cs1m+B/4*(cs1*(-1+2*cs1m*cs1m)- B/6*cs1m*(-3+4*ss1*ss1)*(-3+4*cs1m*cs1m)))
  4. Continue calculation after the loop.
    lat2=atan2(su1*cs1+cu1*ss1*cb, (1-f)*sqrt(sa*sa + t*t))
    l2=atan2(ss1*sb, cu1*cs1-su1*ss1*cb)
    l=l2-(1-c)*f*sa* (s1+c*ss1*(cs1m+c*cs1*(-1+2*cs1m*cs1m)))
    d=atan2(sa, -t)
    lon2 = lon1+l;
  5. Convert lat2, lon2, finalBrg and backBrg to degrees
    lat2 = lat2 * 180/PI
    lon2 = lon2 * 180/PI
    finalBrg = finalBrg * 180/PI
    backBrg = backBrg * 180/PI
  6. If lon2 is outside the range -180 to 180, add or subtract 360 to bring it back into that range.
  7. If finalBrg or backBrg is outside the range 0 to 360, add or subtract 360 to bring them back into that range.

Note: the variables 'a', 'b' and 'flat' above have the following relationships:
b = a - (a/flat)
flat = a / (a - b)

Spherical earth model

  1. Given the distance 'dist' in miles or kilometers.
  2. Let radiusEarth = 6372.7976 km or radiusEarth=3959.8728 miles
  3. Convert distance to the distance in radians.
    dist = dist/radiusEarth
  4. Calculate the destination coordinates.
    lat2 = asin(sin(lat1)*cos(dist) + cos(lat1)*sin(dist)*cos(brg))
    lon2 = lon1 + atan2(sin(brg)*sin(dist)*cos(lat1), cos(dist)-sin(lat1)*sin(lat2))
  5. Calculate the final bearing and back bearing.
    dLon = lon1-lon2
    y = sin(dLon) * cos(lat1)
    x = cos(lat2)*sin(lat1) - sin(lat2)*cos(lat1)*cos(dLon)
    d=atan2(y, x)
    finalBrg = d+PI
  6. Convert lat2, lon2, finalBrg and backBrg to degrees
    lat2 = lat2 * 180/PI
    lon2 = lon2 * 180/PI
    finalBrg = finalBrg * 180/PI
    backBrg = backBrg * 180/PI
  7. If lon2 is outside the range -180 to 180, add or subtract 360 to bring it back into that range.
  8. If finalBrg or backBrg is outside the range 0 to 360, add or subtract 360 to bring them back into that range.
